Another Chance - Book One

Chapter Four: Jim and Zac go Camping

By Zarek Dragon


"You already know what I'm getting. Just do me a favor and keep them away while I get it. They don't need to know that we might have sex tomorrow."

"What, you ashamed of me already?" Jim asked sounding a little sad.

"Definitely not, but if we have sex, I want it to be personal between just us. No one else needs to know unless you get pregnant," Zac kidded.

"Ooooo, I wanna have a baby. Get me pregnant," Jim kidded back.

When they got to the mall, Zac said that he need to go into Walmart real quick but would meet them at the A&F store in a few. Everyone else headed for the A&F store to look around.

Cheyenne came running up to Jim. She held up a shirt that Jim thought looked totally ugly and asked Jim what size he wore. "If you're planning to buy that shirt for me, please don't. No offense, but it is ugly."

"No, silly. I always use this shirt as it is the ugliest thing in here. I'm doing my Christmas shopping and don't want you to see what I'm really buying for you."

"You don't have to buy me anything. I consider you being my friend more than enough."

"That's so sweet, but I know I don't have to buy you anything. I hope you don't freak out, but I love you as a friend and am getting you something."

"Does Dusty know?" Jim kidded not knowing Dusty was right behind him.

"Of course, I know," Dusty said making Jim jump. Dusty and Cheyenne laughed.

Michael walked up carrying a pair of jeans. "I think I'm getting these."

"Don't you buy jeans every time you come in here? You must have a hundred pair," Dusty said.

"I don't like not buying something when I walk into a store," Michael answered.

"Maybe we should talk about that," Dusty joked.

"You planning to follow in your father's footsteps? I bet you'd be good," Jim said.

"My dad tells me that if I do, I have to move so I don't steal his clients," Dusty said with a smile. "But I have seriously thought about it."

"Mike, if you seriously need to buy something, get something you don't already have, or something cheap," Cheyenne stated.

"Michael," Michael corrected her, "And I think I have everything in this store except that ugly shirt that nobody wants."

"Dude, you may have a serious problem. And why do they keep this shirt if nobody wants it?" Jim asked.

"It's not even on the floor as it's not an actual A&F shirt. You have to ask the clerk for it specifically. They just keep it around so people like me can use it like we do."

Zac walked in and found them. Michael saw that his hands were empty and questioned him. Zac said that he didn't feel like carrying his purchase around and ran it to the truck. No one asked anything more about it.

The kids talked Michael out of buying anything at the A&F store, but every store they walked into, he wanted to buy something. Cheyenne tried talking him into going into a ladies' boutique with her just so she could see what he tried to buy, but he refused.

As they walked around, one of Zac's class mates walked up holding hands with another classmate. "What's up Matt?" Zac asked, "Hey, Gina."

"Hey, homo. Which one of these guys is your boyfriend?" Matt asked. Jim felt uneasy about this.

"Take a guess, straight boy," Zac said.

"I'm guessing the handsome buck looking agitated," Matt nodded towards Jim. "If I weren't straight, I might try and steal him from you."

"You can try, but I think he has better taste," Zac grinned.

"Don't know since he settled for the third most handsome guy in the school," Matt returned the grin.

"Third? I thought I was second," Zac kidded.

"You were until your boyfriend came to our school. Now you're third, and I reign on as the hottest," Matt said raising his head as high as he could. Zac chuckled.

"You hitting on my boyfriend? Are you sure you're not gay, or at the least bi-?" Zac said acting jealous. When Jim realized that Matt and Zac were just goofing, he settled down.

"Nah, I just calls it as I sees it. Anyway, Gina and I are going out to the ranch tomorrow. You working?"

"As always on Saturday," Zac said.

"Not always, we didn't see you last Saturday," Matt stated.

"Personal business which led to me meeting Jim. We did go out to the ranch though, and now he works there, too."

"Well, I told Jackson that I was disappointed that you weren't there to take us on the trails. He just smiled and said as much as we've been on the trails, we should know them as well as any hand."

"You have been on them as much as anybody," Zac grinned.

"So, did he get that palomino? I'd love to maybe ride it tomorrow," Matt asked.

"Yeah, but he's already selling it. Seems the stallion will only let one person ride him," Jim grinned when Zac said that.

"Shame, I bet he's a beautiful animal. Can I at least look at him tomorrow?"

"You probably will. Might even see him ridden," Zac said not wanting to give too much information away. He wanted to see Matt's face when Jim got on the horse.

"Cool, maybe I can talk to the owner. We'll catch you later. Gina and I are going to see a movie."

It was Saturday morning and for the first time in a week, Jim and Zac slept in their own beds. Jim felt kind of lonely but at the same time thought it felt good to be alone. He showered, got dressed and headed downstairs. Fixing breakfast by himself seemed to take a little longer, but it was for the best.

Heather came downstairs. She looked around. "Where's Zac?"

Jim looked sad and started to tell his mom, "He… He…" was all Jim got it.

"Oh, honey are you alright?" Heather asked. She started towards Jim to hug him.

Jim started cracking up, "I can't do it. Zac and I decided we should sleep in our own beds last night and if anyone asked say we broke up. I just can't do it." Jim was walking by his mom carrying the food he had just prepared and she cracked him on the ass. "Hey, that hurt."

"Well, you deserve it. You had me worried."

"You gonna crack Zac's ass, too? It was his idea."

She gave him a dirty look for his choice of words, "When he comes over, I might. So, why did you sleep in your own beds?"

"Zac's afraid that we're moving too fast and thought it might be a good idea. It also lets me know how much I miss him when he's not around."

"You love him very much, don't you?"

"Yeah Mom, I do. And don't ask me to compare how I feel for him to how I feel for you. They are two different kinds of love."

"I should hope," she chuckled, "So what are you guys planning for tonight?"

"Not really sure, I know Zac has a bag of marshmallows and we plan to swim. Aside from that, maybe some sex," Jim said grinning.

"You're bad. I don't know if you really plan on having sex or not, but remember what I said." Doorbell rang and Jim started to get up. "Finish your breakfast, I'll go let Zac in."

Heather opened the door and as Zac walked in, she cracked him. Jim chuckled when he heard Zac yelp. Zac walked into the dining room rubbing his ass. "That hurt, someone check, I don't think it's broke, but I think I have a crack."

Jim got up and pulled the back of Zac's pants out. "Yeah, I definitely see a crack."

"James Patrick Bolt, what do you think you're doing?"

"He said for someone to check, Mom. At least I didn't pull them down so he mooned you."

"You two, get out of here before I grab a belt," she laughed shaking her head.

Zac picked up Kunoichi and Jim gave him a funny look. "Grab Colby. They'll like being at the ranch and Jackson doesn't mind."

"So, aside from the daily taking care of the horses, what's the plan for today?" Jim asked as he picked Colby up.

"Matt and Gina usually show up on Saturdays around ten. We need to have four horses ready so we can take them on the trails. They're always welcome to go on their own, but they pay good money to have a hand take them and they usually ask for me. Matt tips well, too."

"Will my being there cut into your tip?" Jim asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea, but for the first few weeks, you need to shadow somebody. And having you with me is worth much more than any tip."

"What if they gave you a million dollars?"

"First, no one in their right mind is going to tip like that and second, you're still worth more."

"You really know how to make a guy feel loved. I love you also."

"So, what did you think about sleeping apart?"

"That part of me felt good being alone but I really missed your body against mine. What did you think?"

"Boy, I'm glad I don't have the puppies on my bed to poop on my pillow," Zac teased.

"Seriously, I think it was a good idea for us to sleep alone, but I definitely missed you," Jim admitted.

"I know, I missed you, t... also." Zac started. Jim grinned.

They pulled into the ranch just before six. As they got out of the truck, Jackson stepped out of his office, "Jim, can I see you in the office real quick? We need to talk."

Zac told Jim to come to the barn when he was done. Jim walked into Jackson's office. "Is something wrong?" Jim didn't have a clue what was going on.

"No, we just need to talk," Jackson started his computer and was showing Jim a file entitled ‘Gold'. He showed Jim what he paid for Gold and showed him that when he handed Jackson money, it could be entered but required a password to be created the first time. Then when Jackson accepts it, he also had to input a password. "You're free to look at this any time, but when money exchanges hands, it requires both of our passwords. While hopefully we trust each other, this makes it easier to keep track and keeps us honest."

"Shoot, Jackson. I just figured you know what I need to pay you and would just let me know when you were paid in full. I know you won't cheat me."

"Glad you feel that way, but this way, you can always know what you still owe and there won't be any guess work. And while we're here, here's your first check."

Jim looked at it. He figured since the only day he had worked was last Sunday, that must be the cut-off date. He also noticed that instead of sixteen dollars an hour, it said seventeen dollars. He questioned Jackson about it.

"No, that's right. Since you'll be helping train new riders, you'll get an extra dollar an hour."

"Cool, I wasn't expecting that and when I saw it I didn't want to cheat you," Jim said.

"Well, you seem like a nice young man. Barely know you, but I like you. You definitely have character. Now go find Zac and get started."

"OK, and as soon as I get this cashed, I'll start giving you money towards Gold." Jim said.

"No, use that for yourself or your mom. Start paying me when you have a bigger check."

"Thanks, Jackson," Jim said as he headed out the door. He went to his locker to grab what he needed and Zac questioned him. Jim explained what they talked about. He stuck his check in his locker so he wouldn't lose it.

Matt and Gina showed up promptly at ten. They paid Jackson and went to the stables. "Where's the palomino? Can I see him?" Matt asked.

"He's right here," Zac said.

"He's saddled? Does that mean I get to ride him?" Matt was hopeful.

"No, the owner will be. Like I said, he's only let one person ride him, so we can't risk letting anyone else," Zac stated.

"It might be alright as long as I hold the bridle while he gets on," Jim offered.

"OK, but if he even once acts like he's not going to let you, then you have to agree to stop trying," Zac demanded.

"Are you sure the owner won't mind?" Matt asked.

"We're sure," Jim and Zac said in unison.

Matt walked over and petted Gold. "You sure are a handsome fuck. You gonna be nice and let me ride you for just a couple minutes?" Matt started to get on but Gold definitely didn't like it. "Nope, guess not."

Matt walked over to the horse that Zac was holding for him. Jim got on Gold and Matt's jaw dropped. Zac and Jim just smiled. "You're the new owner?" Gina asked.

"Yeah," Jim responded and then told them his story with Gold.

"Well, with you there, he still wouldn't let me get on, so he's definitely a one-man horse," Matt declared. They started on the trail. Matt rode beside Jim and Zac rode beside Gina. Zac held Kunoichi and Jim had Colby with him as they rode. When they got to a field that was easily the size of two football fields, Matt looked at Jim, "Want to race? I'd love to see what your horse can do."

"Zac, say go," Jim responded handing Colby to Zac.

Both horses were quarter horses and almost identical in size, but Jim is a year younger than Matt, so he's a little lighter. And Gold didn't hold anything back. They returned to Zac, Gina and the puppies; and Matt was talking about how beautiful Gold's lines were as he ran.

"You should've seen his mother. She was a beauty, too. Sad thing is, we never did find out what happened but she disappeared shortly after Gold was born. I was thirteen and my dad told me that if I took care of this palomino colt and raised him, he would be mine. It took some time to get him bottle feeding, but with no mother, he really didn't have much of a choice."

"Wow, so the two of you really bonded then. That explains why he is so attached to you," Matt offered.

"I guess that's why he lets me ride him when he won't let anyone else."

The four enjoyed riding for a few hours and eventually made it back to the stables. Matt and Gina took care of the horses they rode while Jim took care of Gold and Zac took care of his horse. Jackson came over. "Jim, I have someone on the phone that wanted to know if I had a palomino stallion. I told them that there is one here but that I was in the process of selling him. They want a palomino and are willing to pay twice the usual stud fee."

"Well until I get you completely paid, technically, he's still your horse," Jim said.

"True, but I won't do you like that. I was thinking, if you're willing, that we split the stud fee. Your share could actually pay almost half what I paid for him. It's up to you."

Jim was shocked. "They going to come here with the mare, or do we have to take Gold there?" Jim finally asked.

"They would come here on Monday, and I would be here the whole time to look after Gold."

"As long as you're all for it, I see no reason not to do it," Jim said.

"Great, I'll let them know and we can either deduct it from what you owe me, or I can write you a check for your share and you can give me whatever you wish."

"It would be extra money, so just deduct it from what I owe."

"Sounds good to me," Jackson responded as he went back into the office.

The boys finished taking care of the horses and Matt walked up to Zac. "Thanks for the enjoyable ride as always," he said slipping Zac some cash. He then walked over to Jim and handed him some as well. "Glad I got to meet Gold and thanks for letting me try to ride him."

"Would've been nice if he would have let you. Maybe once he gets to know you," Jim offered.

"Well, I'm willing to be friends with him, but it's up to him whether I ride him or not. You seem like a cool dude, and I'm glad you and Zac found each other. Zac has always been a good friend and he deserves a great guy."

"You seem cool, too. I didn't know how to take you the first time we met, but you're definitely alright."

Matt and Gina left and Jim looked at Zac. "Did you get what you normally do? If not, you can have what he gave me," Jim said.

"Keep it. He actually tipped better than he usually does."

"Now what? We have a couple hours until four."

Zac looked at Jim with hunger in his eye. He grabbed his hand and led him into the barn. They climbed the ladder to the loft and Zac started kissing Jim. While he kissed Jim, he undid Jim's belt. This surprised Jim. Zac undid Jim's fly and pulled his jeans down.

"Dude, what if somebody comes?" Jim asked.

"They can wait their turn," Zac chuckled, "If we hear someone enter the barn, I'll go down to distract them while you get yourself dressed. I've actually wanted to do this all week but not allowed myself."

Zac pushed Jim against the bales of hay and knelt down in front of him. Jim quickly inflated to a full seven inches. While he sucked, Zac wiggled a finger into Jim's ass and found his prostrate. It didn't take long for Jim to shoot his load and Zac didn't let any escape. When he was done, he even licked any residue off Jim's cock.

Zac no sooner finished and they heard Jackson enter the barn. "Zac, are you in here?"

"Be right there, Jackson." Zac called out as he started for the ladder.

"I got a call, a couple have a horse for sale. I'm going to check it out. Would you mind manning the office and take messages while I'm gone?"

"Not a problem. Any idea when you'll be back?" Zac asked.

"I might be back in time for the cookout. I already have hands cooking the beef, we're using the other half of the cow from the school's cookout. If I'm not, make sure you boys go out there around four. Your camp site should be set up already too."

"Thanks Jackson."

Jackson left with Zac and Jim sitting in the office talking. The puppies followed them in. Phone only rang a couple times and Zac took messages. One person wanted to set up riding lessons and another wanted to book a day of riding for his family. Zac told them that the owner would get back with them as soon as he could.

Just a little before four, Heather pulled up to the ranch. Jim ran out of the office to greet her. They loaded the food that she brought into a wagon and Zac put the two puppies into the wagon. Jim gathered Gold and a horse for Zac and hitched them to the back of the wagon. Jim helped his mom up to the seat and Zac sat beside her. Jim got in back with the food and the puppies.

Jackson rode up to the cookout just as the food was done being set out. He was on a horse that Zac had never seen before. It was a silver buckskin quarter horse stallion. SilverZac was stricken with how beautiful the animal was. "You like him, don't you?"

"I sure do? This the new horse?" Zac asked

"Sure is. Would you like to ride him?" Jackson inquired.

"Would love to. What's his name?"

Jackson chuckled, "The family's son was a Lone Ranger fan. His name is Silver."

Jackson dismounted and Zac got on. "He looks magnificent. Why'd they sell him?"

"Sad story actually. Their son was in the military and came home from Afghanistan in a box. Horse was his and they didn't want the reminder. They called and said I could have the horse for three hundred dollars if I got him today. They even threw in this saddle." The saddle was identical to Jim's.

"That is sad, but I know you'll take care of him. Any chance I get to ride him, I'd consider it an honor in memory of their son."

"Well, I was hoping that you'd like to pay me that three hundred and he'd be yours. Like Jim, you can make payments, but I thought since Jim has Gold, you'd like Silver."

Zac chuckled, "Yes, I'll gladly pay you for him. I've always wanted my own horse. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy riding any of yours, but I've always wanted my own."

"I can understand that. You can use the stall beside Gold to keep him in."

Zac rode Silver for a while then placed him with Gold. He went and grabbed some food and sat with Jim. Jackson came over and sat with them. "I have a question. How many people work for you?" Zac asked.

"Well, with the cattle, there are fourteen hands. At the main ranch, I would say we have nine counting you and Jim. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious, but with all these employees, you make me feel like I am special, and I can see you doing the same with Jim."

"Well Zac, you were the first person I hired when I started this ranch. And you and Jim remind me so much of the boys I worked with at Second Chance." Jackson said.

"That's cool. So, is your boyfriend coming out?"

"I think everyone knows he's gay already," Jackson chuckled, "Yeah, he called and said that he's on the way," Jackson said as he stood up. Jim saw his mom approaching.

"This cook-out was a great idea, even if we did just have one two days ago with the school," Heather said as she sat down.

"I'm glad the coach called me on Monday to set that up. I wasn't too sure what I would have done with the other half of this cow. I'm also glad that you're enjoying it out here two nights so close together," Jackson stated.

"I'm glad that Zac introduced this place to Jim. He really needed this place. How did you come up with the name?" Heather asked.

"Well, I worked at a ranch called Second Chance in Ryan's and my hometown of Chance, Virginia. I wanted this ranch to be a lot like it, which is why I've been debating on using some of the land as a horse rescue. I figured there can only be one second chance, but there could be another chance. I've been talking to the owners of Second Chance; they may come out soon to look over the area for the rescue. Then we'll discuss what needs to be done."

Everyone except Jim and Zac left around seven. It was still somewhat light out and the boys stripped and went in the water. After swimming for a while, Zac got out and sat on a towel. Jim got out and walked over to him. "What are you thinking of?"

"How good this past week has been. I'm sorry that you lost your dad, but I feel selfish because I'm also glad."

Jim didn't know what to think about that comment. How could Zac say that? "What do you mean?"

"Like I said, I'm sorry that you lost him, but if you didn't, we may have never met. For that, I feel glad and I feel selfish. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"I think so. You're glad we met, so am I. You're not so much glad that I lost my father, you're just glad that something good came out of it. Because I did, we ended up meeting," Jim explained.

"Yeah, something like that. Does that make me a bad person?"

"No, you're just looking at the good that came out of something bad. I'm glad we met, too, and I don't know if it would have happened with my dad still alive or not. I would have liked for it to, but we'll never know," Jim stated.

Zac put his arms around Jim. "Sorry if I made you sad, but you asked what I was thinking of and that was it. Until we talked, I felt conflicted. I love you so much."

"I love you also, and no, you didn't really make me sad. Sure I miss my dad, but when I'm with you, I can't be sad," Jim kissed Zac on the cheek.

Zac smiled and grabbed Jim's hand and led him into the tent. The puppies followed them. There were two sleeping bags, but they were identical and zipped together to make one bigger one. Zac laid down on one side with Jim beside him. They kissed passionately.

Zac opened the lube and applied some to Jim's ass while they were kissing. Then he lubed his own cock. He looked at Jim and quietly asked, "Are you ready?" Jim smiled and nodded his head.

Zac positioned his cock and started to enter Jim ass. It was extremely tight but Zac went slow allowing Jim to adapt. He didn't feel any resistance until he got to the sphincter. "OK, this is probably going to hurt. Take a deep breath and relax. Push out like you're trying to take a dump." Zac suggested.

Jim inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. "Oh god, I feel sorry for a woman giving birth. You're nowhere near as big as a baby and it hurts."

"Just keep breathing and relax. I love you and if it hurts too much, I'll pull back out."

Jim didn't say anything so Zac kept pushing in. He felt the Jim's sphincter give and pushed past it. Jim let out a scream. Zac pulled out. "Maybe we'll try later. I'm going to go fix some marshmallows."

Jim came out and sat by Zac. "Are you mad at me?"

"No way, dude. Am I disappointed, yeah, but it's not your fault. You're just tight and we need to relax you and loosen you up. If you tried fucking me, the same thing would probably happen. Want a marshmallow?"

Zac had two marshmallows on a stick and Jim grabbed both with his mouth and then kissed Zac. After their tongues managed to get in the other's mouth, some of the marshmallow started oozing out and down their cheeks. Zac started to chuckle and marshmallow spewed everywhere. They were a mess so they went to the lake to wash up.

Jim went back to the tent. When Zac entered, he caught Jim fingering his ass. "Dude, you really want me to fuck you lay down. Let me massage you to get you relaxed. Then I'm going to work your ass with my fingers. Sound good?"

"Sounds like it might work," Jim said.

"Why are you in a hurry for me to fuck you, anyway? You're only fifteen and I'm hoping that we have a long life together. We don't have to do this any time soon."

"It's just, I love you so much that I want to feel you in me," Jim replied.

Zac was sitting on Jim's ass as he massaged his shoulders. "Man, your muscles are so tight right now. You've needed a massage for some time."

"Yeah, doesn't surprise me," Jim responded.

Zac continued massaging Jim's shoulders. While Jim was distracted with that, he moved himself down Jim's legs a bit. Zac's hands were working the small of Jim's back and his cock was aimed at Jim's hole. Zac decide that he was going to try entering Jim without telling him. "This might hurt a little," Zac said.

Jim thought Zac was talking about the massage because Jim's muscles were so tight, it was hurting a little. Zac pushed his cock all the way into Jim's ass. Jim grunted a little, but he didn't scream in pain this time. "Oh god, that surprised me," Jim said.

"Well, I'm all the way in. How do you feel?" Zac said as he leaned down and kissed the back of Jim's neck.

"Like a turkey stuffed for Thanksgiving. Won't say that it doesn't hurt, but it doesn't feel as bad as the first time you tried."

"Because, you may not realize it, but you were tightening your ass muscles before. You were expecting it and maybe thought deep down that it would reduce the pain when in fact it increased the pain. I don't really know; I just know you don't feel quite as tight."

"Does that mean I get my fuck?" Jim asked hopefully.

Zac kissed the back of his neck. "Maybe, do you want me to stay like this for a little bit, or do you want me to start pulling out?"

"You have to start pulling out to fuck me, just not all the way."

Zac started pulling out slowly. Then he pushed back in and Jim grunted. Zac went slow for several minutes letting Jim get use to the intrusion. Slowly Zac increased his thrusts and Jim's grunts were replaced with moans of pleasure. Every time Zac's lips got close, he kissed the back of Jim's neck.

"Keep that up and my lips will get jealous. When you're done, you'll have to pay them some attention as well."

Zac never did really go fast as he wanted to enjoy every minute as he fucked Jim. For Jim, the pain had started to subside and what he was beginning to feel was the pleasure of the person he loves making love to him. As it turned out, Zac was massaging Jim's prostrate ever so gently causing Jim to end up shooting a load. This caused his ass to tighten which caused Zac to go over the edge and shoot his load deep into Jim's ass.

Zac pulled out and Jim rolled over onto his back. "That ended up feeling really good, I'm glad that I gave you my virginity. I love you."

"I love you also, and glad you are the only person I've ever had sex with," Zac kissed Jim on the lips and pushed his tongue down Jim's throat as much as he could.

They kissed for several minutes just enjoying the closeness of each other. "I want to be with you and only you for as long as life allows. You're the first person I've done more than kiss and I hope you're my last," Jim stated.

"For me, you're the only one I've even kissed other than relatives, and I don't kiss them like we do."

Jim laughed, "I hope not. You'd probably freak them out. I could just imagine my grandma if I kissed her like that."

"Might give her a heart attack?" Zac chuckled. "I think my grandma would either have a heart attack or want me to jump her old bones." Both boys shivered at that thought.

Zac climbed into the sleeping bag and Jim grabbed a towel. He wiped his crotch from where he made a mess, then wiped his cum off the sleeping bag. He climbed into the sleeping bag and snuggled against Zac. Zac put his arm armed Jim and started caressing his stomach as they drifted to sleep.

Sun was rising when the boys woke up. They ran naked to the lake to wash the sleep out of their eyes, then Zac judged by the position of the sun that it was around six in the morning and the boys got dressed. They saddled their horses and rode to the ranch.

"Morning boys. Did you enjoy yourself out there?" Jackson asked as they rode in.

"Sure did Jackson. Wouldn't mind doing it again," Zac said.

"Well, we can leave everything set up for a few weeks before it gets too cold. You boys are welcome to go out any time you want."

"Thanks Jackson, I think we'd like that," Jim said.

The boys got to work taking care of the horses and finished just before the truck arrived. This was their usual load and Jim was exhausted when they finished. "Please tell me that's the biggest load we get." Jim said sitting on a bail.

Zac laughed. "Yeah, it is, but you get used to it. Imagine if we only got one load a month."

"My muscles ache trying to think how much that would be. I think I might need to ask my boyfriend to give me a massage when we get home," Jim said.

"Yeah, you just want to feel my hands all over your body again," Zac smirked.

The boys finished up and headed to Zac's house. Jim looked at Zac and said he was going to check in with his mom and then be back over. Zac entered his house as Jim walked across the street with the puppies. "Mom, I'm home." Jim stated as he entered the door.

"Did you have a good time?" Heather asked. Jim just smiled. "You and Zac did have sex. Don't deny it, I can see it in your eyes."

"I won't lie, Mom, but he really makes me happy. At first it hurt, but I am so glad that Zac is my first."

"Well, you know how I feel about it so all I'm going to say is be careful. My main concern is that I don't want to see either one of you get hurt."

"Thanks Mom. I glad you're not mad about it."

"No, I'm not mad. I kind of knew it was going to happen eventually. I like Zac a lot and think you two deserve each other. Like I said, I just don't want to see either of you get hurt." Jim kissed his mom on the cheek and took the puppies to his room.

About an hour had past and the doorbell rang. Heather answered it. It was Zac. "Jim said he was coming back over. He's not in trouble is he?"

"No, he's not in any trouble, should he be?"

"Well, I may have already said too much. We didn't do anything bad, but you might get upset if you knew." Zac said fidgeting.

"Did you tell your mom what you did?" Heather asked.

"I didn't have to tell her. She said that she could see it on my face. She just said to take things slow."

"Well, we know how much you and Jim have grown to love each other in just a short time. Neither one of us wants either of you to get hurt. Jim should be up in his room. He took the puppies up there over an hour ago. You can go up and check on him."

Zac went upstairs and opened Jim's door. Jim looked like he fell asleep on the floor as he was putting the puppies in their cages. Colby was lying in his cage staring at Jim, but Kunoichi was asleep beside Jim with her cage door open. Zac pulled out his phone and took a picture.

Zac went downstairs and showed Heather the picture. She just smiled. "Did you leave him like that? I think we should wake him and get him into his bed."

They went upstairs and Zac picked Kunoichi up. He put her in her cage while Heather woke Jim. "Oh crap, I was planning to…" Jim started as he woke up.

"That hay really kicked your butt today, didn't it?" Zac asked.

"I'm so sorry Zac, I really planned to come back over."

"It's alright. You should see the cute picture I think I'm going to upload to my computer for my desktop," Zac said showing Jim the picture.

"Puppy looks cute, but that's an awful picture of me," Jim protested.

"I think you look cute in it."

Heather thought it was time to head back downstairs. "Supper will be in a couple hours. I'm fixing fried chicken with asparagus. Zac, your mom's coming over with a salad and she made an orange meringue pie."

"Orange meringue?" Jim asked.

Zac smiled. "Yeah, it's really good. It's just like a lemon meringue except it uses oranges."

"Well, I like lemon meringue and oranges are my favorite fruit. Sounds like it might be good," Jim stated.

Heather headed for the door. Just before she went out, she stopped, turned and looked at Jim. "In case I forget to remind you tomorrow, don't forget that you have an appointment with Dr. Bear after school tomorrow. Are you sure you don't need me to take you?"

"Don't worry, he will definitely have a way." Zac said. Heather left upon being assured Jim had a ride.

"Yeah," Jim said, then looked at Zac. "Hope it doesn't upset you, but before we met, I had asked Dusty to go with me to see his dad."

"That's cool. You asked him before we met, I understand. Dusty has been a good friend and supports both of us. Just make sure he's still taking you and if not, I'll be happy to," Zac said and gave Jim a peck on the cheek.

The boys talked for a while about different things. When supper was almost ready, Zac went over to see if his mom needed help carrying anything. She was glad he did as it would have been difficult trying to carry everything at once.

They sat down to eat and chatted about different things. Zac commented about how perfect the asparagus was and that he never had it with cheesy ranch dressing poured over it before. It really tasted good that way. "Well, Jim loves ranch and cheese, so I saw a bottle of Kraft Cheesy Ranch Dressing in the store one day and thought he would love it. Normally I made a cheese sauce for the asparagus, but Jim asked if we could try the dressing on it instead. Sounded easier for me and we loved it," Heather stated.

"Well, it's really good. I'll have to get some for our house," Marilyn suggested.

After everyone was done eating, Jim and Zac cleaned the table and washed the dishes. Their moms sat at the table talking. When everything was cleaned up, Zac told Jim to go to the table and he'd start serving the pie. He gave Jim a good size piece so it was good that Jim loved it.


Jim met Dusty in home room. "Remember, I'm seeing your dad after school today. You still willing to go with me to visit for my first time?" Jim asked.

"Like I said, I may have to wait in the waiting room, but I'll take you and be there for you. Maybe afterwards, we can go do something. Zac coming?"

"I don't know, but if not, maybe he can meet up with us when we're done."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll check with Cheyenne to see if she wants to join us later, too." Dusty grinned.

At lunch, Zac met up with Jim and Dusty. "Dusty wants to know if you're joining us or if you'd like to meet up with us later. We're thinking of doing something later."

"I was thinking about going out to the ranch. Jackson wants to talk with me about plans concerning the ranch. He told me whenever I'm available. I think it'll only take an hour or so, so we can meet up or something."

"Sure, I think Dad's only meeting with Jim an hour today, and then another hour whenever. We can come out to the ranch and go riding," Dusty offered.

"Yeah, come on out. I'll try to have the horses ready by the time you get out there," Zac offered. They talked while they ate their lunch. Dusty was surprised when Cheyenne never joined them. He hadn't seen her for a couple of days.

After school let out, Zac met with Dusty and Jim to see how many horses to saddle. "I'm guessing three. Apparently, Chey didn't come to school today."

"I didn't see her in class, either," Jim stated.

"If you want to go see her, I can take Jim to see your dad," Zac offered.

"No, I promised Jim that I'd be there," Dusty stated.

"Look, I understand if you want to go check on Cheyenne. Zac can take me."

"She probably just has the flu or something. If it were serious, she'd call me, right? I'll just call her later."

Zac got in his truck and headed for the ranch. Dusty and Jim headed to Dr. Bear's office. Jim walked in and Dr. Bear was waiting for him. "Is it alright if Dusty joins us? He already pretty much knows everything I can think of to talk about," Jim asked.

"That's up to you. If it'll make you feel better, then by all means. This first visit is mainly to get to know you to see what direction, if any, we need to head down."

Dusty followed his dad and Jim into the office. Dr. Bear gestured toward a couple of chairs. Jim and Dusty sat down. "I looked over your file and hope you don't mind but Dusty has filled me in on certain things going on in your life. From what I can tell without seeing you, you seem perfectly normal for what you've been through."

"I appreciate that. I'll always miss my dad and Shadow, but I don't feel as depressed as I was," Jim stated. "Since I met Zac, my heart has been soaring. Then Dusty took me to get a couple puppies. They remind me a lot of Shadow, but in a good way. The one looks just like she did and acts like her."

"I'm glad to hear that. I understand that you've made a few friends at school as well?" Dr. Bear asked.

"I won't mention any names, but one of my class mates, related to you by the way, kinda put me in my place on that." Dusty and Dr. Bear smiled on that. "He simply would not accept me trying to push him away."

"He is a friendly young man and I have always been proud of him," Dr. Bear stated. Dusty grinned.

They chatted for the remainder of the hour and Dr. Bear finished up. "Well, I don't think you need to continue seeing a therapist, but if you ever start to feel depressed talk to your mother, Zac, Dusty, or you can call me any time. You suffered some great losses in your life and it's natural to feel depressed. You just can't let it control you like you were. If anything changes, feel free to give me a call."

"Thank you, Dr. Bear. As I said during our chat, I do have bouts with depression, but I can look at Zac or the puppies and it usually goes away. And when I'm in class, since I've become friends with Dusty, he's done a good job of helping me through it."

"Remind me to send you a bill," Dusty quipped. His dad and Jim smiled.

As they were walking towards Dusty's car, he asked Jim if it would bother him to stop by Cheyenne's home. "I appreciate you asking, but I kind of expected it. Really, as worried as you are about her, you didn't need to take me. You could have gone to see her."

"I know, but I promised and like I said, if it were serious, someone would have called me. She's probably just sleeping with the flu or something."

"Well, you're a good friend. Let's go check on her and head to the ranch."

Dusty pulled into the Cheyenne's driveway and parked the car. He and Jim got out and went to the front door. Dusty knocked on the door. A lady who looked to be in her late thirties or early forties came to the door. "Dusty, we've been trying to find your number ever since last night."

Dusty went pale. "It's in Chey's phone. What's wrong?"

"Cheyenne was attacked last night. She's in the hospital and her phone was smashed."

"Wh… what? Why? Who?" was all that Dusty could say.


Horse Runner

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