In The Waking World

In The Waking World


In The Waking World

By C.J. Gibb © 2017

           All Rights Reserved.            

One summer morning Drake's Mother went in to wake him up.

It was 11 am but the 11-year-old was still in bed. As she opened his door she could smell the strong odor of pee. When she woke him she noticed he had wet the bed. She thought it odd because he had not wet the bed since he was very young.  She made him go take a shower while she washed his sheet and blanket. Later she asked him why he had peed the bed but he didn't know why. 


        As time went on he wet the bed more and more. As this was happening he was changing. He was more tired and grumpy.  He started getting into trouble for stealing, breaking things and lying. 

His whole demeanor changed in a matter of weeks.  Worried his parents insisted he see a counselor but that did very little. They talked to the councilor about the changes.  He told them he thought he was being abused since some of these changes are signs of abuse. 


        Drake's counselor and parents questioned him many times whether he was being abused or not. He insisted no he wasn't everything was fine. One other thing that did change about him was what he wore. He use to wear shorts, t-shirts, muscle shirt or even shirtless. But he started wearing long sleeves or a jacket and always long pants no matter how hot it was.  He always went swimming but that stopped about the time the bed wetting started. 


All this went on for several months until one day Drake disappeared.  He was found a few days later in the woods miles from his house hanging from a tree.  He had used a rope he had found in the garage to hang himself.  It was found out later he was covered in cuts and bruises all over his body.  Everyone was horrified that he was in such condition. Not even his family knew this.  A week after his funeral service his brother was in his room missing him deeply trying to figure out why his younger brother would end his life like this. As the brother was about to leave his room he spotted what looked like a book under the dresser. 


        The older brother picked up the book and opened it and when he did he turned white and his knees buckled when he realized what it was he had found  he screamed so loud  people next door heard him. Drake's older brother had found his journal. It was filled with pictures and writings that nightmares and horror movies were made of.  Turned out that Drake had been documenting his horrific nightmares that had started that night he first wet the bed.  Nightmares that didn't just stay in his dreams but found a way to leave evidence in the waking world.